Hamstead Hall Academy

Hamstead Hall Academy
Part of the Hamstead Hall Academy Trust Hamstead Hall Sixth Form

  • Pride

  • Persistence

  • Patience

  • Preparation

  • Progress

"Success for All through Hard Work and Harmony"

Quality First Teaching Strategies

Quality First Teaching Strategies to promote memory formation and progress across all Key Stages for all learners

  1.  1) Literacy, Reading and Oracy
  2. 2) Challenge
  3. 3) Retrieval Practice


Through the Teaching and Learning Cycle (I- we-you) Modelling, Deconstruction, joint construction, and guided practice



Literacy, Reading and Oracy

Reading for learning using the reading rope



-Plan for subject specific reading in lessons- make the reading rope explicit

-Select an appropriate text using the readability calculator and give students own text where possible

-Use PLANETS reading to learn sequence

-Plan additional time to clarify and orientate reader this may include use of a reading scanner pen (assistive technology)

-DARTS (Directed Activities Related to Text) e.g. matching questions and answers, T/F, Gap filling, venn diagram for comparison

-Model correct intonation, pace and emphasis of reading


Learning framed as a question

-Regularly check for knowledge and understanding, Plan for both oral and written questions

-Know the genre and cognitive processes needed to be successful

-Model, deconstruct and jointly construct higher level responses



-Plan four different types of talk (everyday, exploratory, reporting and performance)

-Know what you want pupils to say and consider the register continuum.

-Expect full sentences- use ‘say it again but better’ phrases with students

-Use academic terminology and identify the audience and purpose


Modelling and chunking

-I-Deconstruct process using a pre-worked example

-We- Joint construction between teacher and class but with different problem/ question

-You- students apply knowledge and teacher monitors


Targeted Questioning

-Ensure feedback from all students (no hands up) to check and develop thinking and students understanding. Use seating plans to target students and challenge all. A-B-C (Agree-Build-Challenge) questions demand deeper thinking from students.


Deconstruction, joint construction and guided practice

-Provide model answer and deconstruct by highlighting good aspects and how it can be improved

-Use partly completed work to reduce load of complex processes and provide key words, sentence starts and structure strips to help students


Live marking, AFL and visualisers for feedback and upgrades

-Teacher to live check, question and challenge ALL students as they intentionally monitor independent activities.

-Share success criteria with students and pre-load for success in assessment

-Plan time for peer feedback on knowledge and process questions using whole class feedback sheets

-With permission, share students work on the visualiser- WAGOLL, provide time after modelling for independent practice so students can apply new understanding (deliberate practice). Give and plan time for re-teach and UPGRADES

Retrieval Practice

Do It Now

-With no support, students have regular opportunities to recall and retrieve information from last week, last term and last year.Build in time for gap filling and spaced retrieval.



-Structured activities are planned which give students the opportunity to discuss and develop their ideas out loud, to reinforce their understanding and use of tier words. Teacher models this using think aloud


Know it, Grasp it, think it activities

-Know it- students apply/ transform their knowledge

-Grasp it- students use their knowledge

-Think it- students retrieve information/ check for understanding